Account Registration

By registering for access to this website I acknowledge and agree to the following:
  • I have been given authorization to register for this website by and solely on behalf of the MSO/IPA/Provider Group/Hospital or other entity that is contracted with Alignment Health Plan (AHP) HMO. Access and use is permitted for authorized purposes only.
  • I understand that personal information provided by me during registration for access to this website will be used to authenticate me as a valid user. I further understand that some of the information I provide may be stored in the AHP (HMO) systems for validation and reporting purposes, but will not be used in any other way by AHP (HMO) nor will it be disclosed to any third party, except as required by law.
  • I agree to protect the username and password chosen during the registration process from unauthorized disclosure and use. I understand that I am responsible for all actions performed while logged in under my username and password. If I have any reason to believe my password has been compromised, I will immediately change the password online. I will immediately report suspected or actual misuses of my username and password to both my employer and AHP (HMO).


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